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Professional Learning Networks ... Stay Connected and Continue to Share Ideas

Being a part of PLNs is an ongoing process of collaboration for educators to improve their teaching as well as student learning. Becoming a diverse educator and delivering engaging beneficial teaching through sharing and supporting leadership with professional learning communities. This PLN is free online host for learning committees sharing ideas that can improve teaching practices and student learning. The possibilities range from ELL ideas, technology, behavior, coding, and webinars guiding administration students. This network is my personal website for my students and parents to access. My reading curriculum department does have a specific reading padlet that all 5th grade reading teachers shares. We all have access to the padlet and share ideas, websites, images and links. I also teach social studies and we have a padlet network that all district 5th grade teachers share. All parties including myself can post links, videos, documents and or links for all to use and share. This network is awesome and free! There is access to grade-differentiated lessons, technology that can be used in your classroom and the ability to share ratings and reviews of edtech tools. There are filters that you can search technology and or classroom ready ideas by specific grade, skill and purpose.  
