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New Age of Teaching

Great Articles I discovered through my Education Masters Program at Lamar University 

Image result for digital citizenship
Many educators and stakeholders assume students know what it means to have digital citizenship. Unfortunately, we cannot expect students to know the appropriate online norms.

We Shouldn't Assume People Know What Digital Citizenship Is

Social Media Usage
Fixed Vs. Growth Mindset = Print Vs. Digital Informational Age   
- It's About Learning
"We need to move from fixed mindset thinking and the passive educational environment of main lecture points, rubrics, individual competition and standardized testing to growth mindset thinking of active learning, dynamic interactivity, critical and analytical thinking, collaboration and meaningful projects."
Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset
-Carol Dweck
Image result for carol dweck"In the name of a growth mindset, students were also being assured that they were capable of anything. While this may be true, simply asserting it does not make it so, particularly when students don't yet have the knowledge, skills, strategies, or resources to bring this about. Skilled educators set high standards for students but then help them understand how to embark on the path to meeting those standards. It's not a hollow promise."

The "Mindset" Mindset
What we Miss by Focusing on Kids Attitudes
- Alfie Kohn
" A very appealing explanation to those who benefit from those barriers and would rather fault their victims for failing to pull themselves up by their mindset."
Five Ways to Teach Students to be Learning Centered, Too
-Carole S. Moore
1. Encourage students to view themselves from a capacities and growth mindset (“I can learn with adequate effort and use of appropriate strategies”), rather than a fixed or deficiencies mindset (“I’m just not smart enough”)
2. Coach student success by encouraging and rewarding hard work
3. Provide students with ample active-learning activities.
4. Build “learning how to learn” outcomes into your course. 
5. Provide students with structured opportunities to think intentionally about the cycle of learning.
Personalize your learning environment
-Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey
  • Multiple means of representation (access). Each learner is unique in how they best access content and process information into useable knowledge, so they should be able to choose from a variety of learning modes.
  • Multiple means of engagement (engage). What motivates and inspires passion differs from person to person. Each learner knows best what strategies and tools will engage them in the content and inspire them to own their learning.
  • Multiple means of action and expression (express). Each learner knows how they best express what they know and understand using actions such as writing, presenting, drawing, acting, building and sharing.
